Electronique pour Objets Connectés
Electronics for Connected Objects

Polytech' Nice-Sophia, Dpt Electronique
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930 Route des Colles
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Publications des membres permanents de l'équipe Année 2014

Revues internationales         Conférences "Invité"         Conférences internationales   

Revues internationales ou open acess journals:

J.P. Leca, N. Froideveaux, P. Dupre, H. Braquet & G. Jacquemod, EMI Measurements, Modeling and Reduction of 32-bit High-Performances Microcontroller, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 56, issue 5, pp. 1035-1044, 2014.

A. Cihangir, F. Ferrero, G. Jacquemod, P. Brachat & C. Luxey, Integration of Resonant and Non-Resonant Antennas for Coverage of 4G LTE Bands in Handheld Terminal, Forum for Electromagnetic Research Methods & Application Technologies (FERMAT), vol. 3, 2014, http://www.e-fermat.org/files/articles/1537fbf7ab0bf7.pdf, 12 pages, 2014.

D. Titz, F. Ferrero, R. Pilard, C. Laporte, S. Jan, H. Ezzeddine, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, G. Jacquemod & C. Luxey, New Wideband Miniature Branchline Coupler on IPD Technology for Beamforming Applications, IEEE Trans. Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 4, issue 5, pp. 911-921, 2014.

A. Magnani, M. Borgarino, C. Viallon, T. Parra & Gilles Jacquemod, A low power Ku Phase Locked Oscillator in low cost 130 nm technology, Microelectronics Journal, vol. 45, n° 6, pp. 619-626, 2014.

A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F. Ferrero, G. Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, P. Brachat, C. Laporte, H. Ezzeddine & C. Luxey, PCB Integration of a Vivaldi Antenna on IPD technology for 60 GHz Communications, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 13, pp. 678–681, 2014.

A. Bisognin, J. Thielleux, W. Wei, D. Titz, F. Ferrero, P. Brachat, G. Jacquemod, H. Happy & C. Luxey, “Inkjet Coplanar Square Monopole on Flexible Substrate for 60-GHz Applications”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 13, pp. 435-438, 2014.

R. Adacci, A. Diallo, C. Luxey, P. Le Thuc & R. Staraj, Design of Multi-Antenna System for UMTS Clamshell Mobile Phones with Ground Plane Effects Considerations, Radioengineering, vol. 23, n° 2, pp. 724-732, 2014.

I. Dioum, A. Diallo, S.M. Farssi & C. Luxey, “A Novel Compact dual-band LTE Antenna-System for MIMO Operation”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 62, n° 4, pp. 2291-2296, 2014.

A. Fonseca, E. de Foucauld, P. Lorenzini & G. Jacquemod, Low power 28nm FDSOI 2.45 GHz PLL, Journal of Low Power Electronics, vol. 10, n° 1, p. 149-162, 2014.

D. Titz, F. Ferrero, R. Pilard, S. Jan, F. Gianesello, C. Luxey, D. Gloria & G. Jacquemod, “Millimeter-Wave Miniaturized Couplers Integrated on BiCMOS Technology”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 56, issue 3, pp. 587-590, 2014.

A. Cihangir, F. Ferrero, G. Jacquemod, P. Brachat & C. Luxey, “Neutralized Coupling Elements for MIMO Operation in 4G Mobile Terminals”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 13, pp. 141-144, 2014.

D. Titz, R. Pilard, F. Ferrero, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, G. Jacquemod & C. Luxey, “Improved Measurement Accuracy of Probe-Fed Mm-wave Antennas Using the Three Γ Method”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 13, pp. 103-105, 2014.

R. Adacci, K. Haneda, A. Diallo, P. Le Thuc, C. Luxey, R. Staraj & P. Vainikainen, "Dual-Band WLAN Multi-Antenna System and Diversity/MIMO Performance Evaluation", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 62, n° 3, pp. 1409-1415, 2014.

Conférences "Invité" :

G. Jacquemod, A. Fonseca, E. de Foucauld, Y. Leduc & P. Lorenzini, “2.45 GHz 0.8 mW VCRO in FDSOI 28 nm technology”, ICSS, Hong Kong, China, pp. 74-75, 2014.

A. Fonseca, G. Jacquemod, Y. Leduc, E. de Foucauld & P. Lorenzini, “VCO Design in SOI technologies”, NEWCAS, Special Session «Frequency synthesis – New designs, new technologies», Trois Rivières, Canada, 2014.

G. Jacquemod, A. Fonseca, Y. Leduc, E. de Foucauld & P. Lorenzini, “Analog Design in FDSOI 28 nm technology and beyond”, CISIS, 3rd Annual World Congress of Emerging InfoTech, Dalian, China, 2014.

F. Gianesello, R. Pilard, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey & D. Gloria, “60 GHz Packaging & Antenna Technologies: from WiGig to backhaul”, IEEE International Microwave Symposium, Tampa Bay, USA, 2014.

Y. Leduc & G. Jacquemod, NAPA, un compilateur construit pour la simulation rapide de systèmes hétérogènes présents ou futurs, FETCH, Ottawa, Canada, p. 15, 2014.

Conférences  internationales :

B. Rebuffat, P. Masson, J-L. Ogier  M. Mantelli & R. Laffont, Effect of AC Stress on Oxide TDDB and Trapped Charge in Interface States, ISIC, Singapore, Singapore, 2014.

A. Cihangir, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, W.G. Whittow & C.J. Panagumawa, Investigation of the effect of metallic frames on 4G eyewear antennas, LAPC, Loughborough, UK, 2014.

D. Titz & C. Luxey, The bra-tenna: a novel body-mounted antenna for off-body communications, LAPC, Loughborough, UK, 2014.

F. Li, E. Dekneuvel, G. Jacquemod, D. Quaglia, M. Lora, François Pecheux & R. Butaud, Multi-Level Modeling of Wireless Embedded Systems, FDL, Munich, Germany, 2014.

K. Nguyen Trung, C. Jacquemod, E. Dekneuvel, B. Nicolle, O. Zammit, K. Aguir, C. Nguyen Van, P. Lorenzini & G. Jacquemod, “Innovating current sensor and event detection algorithms for NIALM application”, SAME, University Booth, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2014, Best Demo Award.

Y. Bacher, N. Froideveaux, C. Gori, H. Braquet & G. Jacquemod, “Supply network setup impact on fast transient burst test in microcontrollers”, SAME, University Booth, Sophia Antipolis, 2014.

F. Li, E. Dekneuvel, R. Butaud, F. Pecheux & G. Jacquemod, “High-level modeling of Bluetooth system using Systemc-AMS”, SAME, University Booth, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2014.

A. Fonseca, E. de Foucauld, P. Lorenzini & G. Jacquemod, Fractional phase divider PLL phase noise and spurious modeling, VARI/PATMOS, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2014.

C. Jacquemod, K. Aguir, B. Nicolle, P. Lorenzini & G. Jacquemod, Innovationg current sensor for smart building application, Sensors, Energy Harvesting, Wireless Network and Smart Object, SENSO, Aix en Provence, France, 2014.

M.A. Garcia Perez, Y. Leduc & F. Ferrero, "Revamping a lab course for the education of students in electronic engineering", EDERC, Milano, Italy, pp. 162-166, 2014.

A. Bisognin, D. Titz, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, C. Laporte, H. Ezzeddine, F. Ferrero, D. Lugara, J.R. Costa, E.B. Lima & C.A. Fernandes, A 120 GHz 3D-printed plastic elliptical lens antenna with an IPD patch antenna source, ICUWB, Paris, France, 2014.

J. Innocenti, F. Julien, L. Lopez, L. Welter, J. Sonzogni, S. Niel, A. Regnier, E. Paire, K. Labory, E. Denis, J.-M. Portal & P. Masson, Dynamic Power Reduction through Process and Design Optimizations on CMOS 80 nm Embedded Non-Volatile Memories Technology, MWASCAS, College Station, Texas, USA, 2014.

S. Wang, H. Arai, A. Cihangir & C. Luxey, “Characteristic Modes Analysis of a 4G Cellular Antenna for Eyewear Wireless Devices”, iWEM, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 2014, 2nd place Best Innovative Student Application contest.

D. Titz, A. Bisognin, J. Chen, F. Ferrero, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, A. Cathelin, A.M. Nikenejad & C. Luxey, “Antenna-array topologies for mm-Wave Beamforming Transmitter with Quadrature Spatial Combining”, ICEAA, Aruba, Dutch Cribbean, 2014, Best Paper Award.

J. Innocenti, L. Welter, F. Julien, J.-M. Portal, L. Lopez, J. Sonzogni, P. Masson, S. Niel, A. Regnier, “Dynamic power reduction through process and design optimizations on CMOS 80 nm embedded non-volatile memories technology”, IEEE 57th Int. Midwest Symp. Circuits Sytems, pp. 897–900, 2014.

A. Bisognin, D. Titz, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, F. Ferrero, D. Lugara, J.R. Costa & C.A. Fernandes, Comparizon of  3D printed plastic and micromachined Teflon lenses for WiGig modules, APS, Menphis, USA, pp. 109-110, 2014.

A. Cihangir, G. Jacquemod, C. Luxey, F. Ferrero, W.G. Whittow, C.J. Panagamuwa, R. Pilard & F. Gianesello, MIMO antenna concept for 4G electronic eyewear devices, APS, Menphis, USA, pp. 687-688, 2014.

C. Jacquemod, B. Nicolle & G. Jacquemod, "WSN for Smart Building Application", EWME, Tallinn, Estonia, 2014.

A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F. Ferrero, R. Pilard, C.A. Fernandes, J.R. Costa, C. Corre, P. Calascibetta, J-M. Riviere, A. Poulain, C. Badard, F. Gianesello, C. Luxey, P. Busson, D. Glorai & D. Belot, “3D Printed Plastic 60 GHz Lens: Enabling Innovative Millimeter Wave Antenna Solution and System”, IMS, Tampa Bay, USA, 2014.

F. Gianesello, R. Pillard, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey & D. Gloria, “60 GHz packaging & antenna technologies : from WiGig to backhaul”, IMS, Florida, USA, June 2014.

S.W. Lee, R.G. Vaughan, M. Parameswaran, D. Titz, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey & A. Mahanfar, “Polymer MEMS Fabrication Process for System-on-Chip Self-Assembled Millimeter-Wave Antenna”, DTIP, Cannes, France, 1-4 April 2014.

A. Cihangir, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, A. Reinhardt, L. Dussopt, N. Lorphelin, C. Pavageau & P. Brachat, Utilization of Tunable Components for 4G Frequency Reconfigurable Mobile Terminal Antenna, iWAT, Sydney, Australia, 2014, p. 66-69, 2014.

A. Bisognin, D. Titz, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. Gloria, F. Ferrero, D. Lugara, J. R. Costa & C. A. Fernandes, Comparizon of 3D printed plastic and micromachined teflon lenses for WiGig modules", APS, Menphis, USA, p. 109-110, 2014.

A. Cihangir, G. Jacquemod, C. Luxey, F. Ferrero, W.G. Whittow, C.J. Panagamuwa, R. Pilard & F. Gianesello, "MIMO antenna concept for 4G electronic eyewear devices", APS, Menphis, USA, p. 687-688, 2014.

K. Nguyen Trung, E. Dekneuvel, B. Nicolle, O. Zammit, C. Nguyen Van & G. Jacquemod, “ Event Detection and Disaggregation Algorithms for NIALM System”, NILM Workshop, Austin, USA, June 2014.

C. Jacquemod, K. Aguir, B. Nicolle, P. Lorenzini & G. Jacquemod, “Innovating current sensor for NILM application”, NILM Workshop, Austin, USA, June 2014.

V. Semkin, M. Jacob, T. Kurner, A. Bisognin, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey & A.V. Raisanen, “Estimation of Optimum Antenna Configurations Supported by Realistic Propagation Models at 60 GHz”, EuCAP, The Hague, The Netherlands, April 2014.

C. Luxey, “A Small Tribute to Prof. Pertti Vainikainen: a Great Antenna and Propagation Specialist”, EuCAP, The Hague, The Netherlands, April 2014.

A. Cihangir, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, A. Reinhardt, L. Dussopt, N. Lorphelin, N. Obeid & P. Brachat, “Investigation of Tunable Matching Circuits for Multiband 4G Handsets”, EuCAP, The Hague, The Netherlands, April 2014.

A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F. Ferrero, G. Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, D. GLoria, C. Laporte, H. Ezzeddine, D. Lugara & C. Luxey, “Probe-fed measurement system for F-band antennas”, EuCAP, The Hague, The Netherlands, April 2014.

A. Cihangir, F. Ferrero, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, A. Reinhardt, L. Dussopt, N. Lorphelin, C. Pavageau & P. Brachat, “Utilization of Tunable Components for 4G Frequency Reconfigurable Mobile Terminal Antenna”, iWAT, Sydney, Australia, March 2014.

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