Electronique pour Objets Connectés
Electronics for Connected Objects

Polytech' Nice-Sophia, Dpt Electronique
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930 Route des Colles
06410 Biot
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Publications des membres permanents de l'équipe Année 2016

Revues internationales         Conférences "Invité"         Conférences internationales   

Revues internationales ou open acess journals:

C. Jacquemod, K. Nguyen Trung, K. Sevin, E. Dekneuvel, K. Aguir, B. Nicolle & G. Jacquemod, Low cost wireless current sensor for NIALM application, Sensors & Actuators, vol. 252, p. 209-224, 2016.

F. Li, E. Dekneuvel, R. Butaud & G. Jacquemod, Wireless RF systems modelling using SystemC, Microelectronics Journal, vol. 58, p. 60-69, 2016.

S. Zhang, A. Paraskevopoulos, C. Luxey, J. Pinto & W. Whittow, “Broad-band embroidered spiral antenna for off-body commun,ications, IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 10, n° 13, p. 1395-1401, 2016.

A. Cihangir, F. Sonnerat, F. Gianesello,  D. Gloria & C. Luxey, Antenna solutions for 4G smartphones in Laser Direct Structuring technology, Radioengineering, vol. 25, n° 3, p. 419-428, 2016.

Z. Chen, Y. Zhang, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F. Ferrero & C. Luxey, A 94GHz dual-polarized microstrip mesh array in LTCC technology, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 15, p. 634-637, 2016.

V. Semkin, F. Ferrero, A. Bisognin,  J. Ala-Laurinaho, C. Luxey, F. Devillers & A.V. Raisanen, Beam switching conformal antenna array for mm-wave communications, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 15, p. 28-31, 2016.

S.W. Lee, Y. Chen, R.G. Vaughan, M. Parameswaram, D. Titz, F. Ferrero & C. Luxey, Fabrication, Simulations and Measurements of Self-Assembled Millimeter-Wave Antennas for System-on-Chip Applications, Microsystem Technologies, vol. 22, Issue 3, p. 583-592, 2016.

Z. Wei, G. Jacquemod, P. Lorenzini,  F. Hameau, E. de Foucauld & Y. Leduc, Study and reduction of vairability in 28nm Fully Depleted Silicon On Insulator technology, Journal of Low Power Electronics, vol. 12, n° 1, p. 64-73, 2016.

A. Bisognin, A. Cihangir, C. Luxey, G. Jacquemod, R. Pilard, F. Gianesello, J.R. Costa, C.A. Fernandes, E.B. Lima, C.J. Panagamuwa & W.G. Whittow, Ball grid array-module with integrated shaped lens for WiGig applications in eyewear devices”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 64, Issue 3, p. 872-882, 2016.

Conférences "Invité" :

G. Jacquemod & Y. Leduc, FDSOI technology and new design”, SETIT, Tutorial, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2016.

F. Gianesello & C. Luxey, “Industrial high-volume packaging for mm-wave transceivers”, EuMC, Workshop WF06 : Chip Packaging and System-in-Package, London, UK, 2016.

C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, J. Costa, C. Fernandez & C. Del Rio Bocio, Cost effective mmW system leveraging silicon technology and digital manufacturing”, EuMC, Workshop WF03 : Millimeter-Wave Technologies for 5G Mobile Networks and Short-Range Communications, London, UK, 2016.

C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, A. Cihangir, R. Pilard, D. Gloria, C. Fernandez, J. Costa, C. Panagamuwa & W. Whittow, “Antenna-module with integrated shaper lens for Wigig applications in eyewear devices”, RFIC/IMS, Workshop IMS : Millimeter-Wave Electronics: From Applications to Manufacturing, San Francisco, USA, 2016.

F. Gianesello, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, C. Fernandez, J. Costa, C. Del Rio Bocio, C. Luxey & D. Gloria, “Cost effective mmW system development leveraging silicon and digital manufacturing technologies”, RFIC/IMS, Workshop IMS : Millimeter-Wave Electronics: From Applications to Manufacturing, San Francisco, USA, 2016.

Y. Leduc, G. Jacquemod, Z. Wei, J. Modad, P. Lorenzini & E. de Foucauld, La logique complémentaire, une opportunité offerte par le FDSOI pour l'intégration de circuits mixtes dans les technologies les plus avancées”, FETCH, Villard-de-Lans, France, 2016.

Conférences  internationales :

Z. Wei, Y. Leduc, G. Jacquemod & E. de Foucauld, UTBB-FDSOI complementary logic for high quality analog signal processing”, ICECS, Monaco, pp. 572-575, 2016.

A. Bisognin, D. Titz, F. Gianesello, P. Calascibetta, J.M. Riviere, D. Campos, D. Gloria, F. Devillers & C. Luxey, BGA organic module for 60GHz LOS communications”, ISAP, Okinawa, Japan, 2016.

G. Jacquemod & C. Jacquemod, “RFID and UHF wireless sensor transceivers, SENSO, Gardanne, France, 2016.

H. Jouni, M. Issa, A. Harb, G. Jacquemod & Y. Leduc, “Neural network architecture for breast cancer detection and classification, IMCET, Beirut, Lebanon, 2016.

M. Prahat, A. Bisognin, K. Melde & C. Luxey, Chip-to-chip switched-beam 60GHz array integrated with modified Butler feed matrix network”, AP-S, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, 2016

M. Zouaoui, E. Sicard, G. Jacquemod, G. Rudelou, E. Marsy & H. Braquet, “Radiated immunity of a Gigabit Ethernet Switch embedded in an industrial Programmable Logic Controller”, EMC, Ottawa, Canada, 2016, p. 559-564.

A. Townley, P. Swirhum, R. Pilard, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, C. Luxey & A. Niknejad, A 94GHz 4Tx-4Rx phased-array for FMCW radar with integrated LO and flip-chip antenna package”, RFIC, San Francisco, USA, 2016.

G. Jacquemod, Z. Wei, Y. Leduc & C. Jacquemod, “New QVCO Design using UTBB FDSOI technology, EWME, Southampton, UK, 2016.

A. Bisognin, C. Luxey, F. Gianesello, D. Titz, C.A. Fernadez & J.R. Costa, Digital manufacturing & rapid prototyping: Enabling innovative & cost effective antenna solution from RF up to mmW”, EuCAP, Davos, Switzerland, 2016.

A.V. Bondarik, M. Tormanen, D. Qjoberg, H. Sjoland, A. Bisognin, F. Ferrero & C. Luxey, Microstrip antenna array integrated with 60GHz band CMOS injection locked power amplifier”, EuCAP, Davos, Switzerland, 2016.

P. Baniya, A. Bisognin, K.L. Melde & C. Luxey, Impact of gain and polarization in the design of reconfigurable chitp-to-chip antennas”, EuCAP, Davos, Switzerland, 2016.

F. Gianesello, A. Bisognin, D. Titz, C. Luxey, C.A. Fernandez, J. R. Costa & D. Gloria, 3D printing technology: Enabling innovative & cost effective industrial antenna solution”, EuCAP, Da6vos, Switzerland, 2016.

P. Chiquet, J. Postel-Pellerin, C. Tuninetti, S. Souiki-Figuigui & P. Masson, Effect of short pulsed Program/Erase cycling on Flash memory device”, IMEKO, Milan, Italy, 2016.

G. Jacquemod, Z. Wei, P. Lorenzini & Y. Leduc, “New Design using UTBB FDSOI technology, CDNLive, Munich, Germany, 2016

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